My weekend visit with my sister, Judy, was as pleasant as I expected it would be. We got to hang out, dine out, visit, dabble on Facebook and watch a play. A really bad play. In fact, we decided that we now share a common memory for future conversations: The worst play we both have ever seen, we got to see together!
But aside from the crummy play, we had a great time together!
But getting back to the crummy play, a plethora of problems plagued the production:
First, there were apparently not enough guys who showed up when auditions were held, so most of the male roles were played by females - females wearing men's clothing and sporting fake moustaches and beards.
Also, the acting was beyond bad. It was cringe-worthy, except for the lead male role. He was a talented actor. The others were not. Not even close.
Also, it was a musical. Musicals are great if the performers can sing. They couldn't.
Also, tickets were $25 each. That's with a senior discount. That's a total of $50 for my senior citizen sister and my senior citizen self. A lot of good movies can be seen for $50.
Aside from the play, I also learned that my sister is not a big fan of having her picture taken. But she is a good sport about it and was willing to humor her little brother with a few photos during our visit together.
Judy and I dined out on Friday night at the restaurant of her choosing: Latitudes in Windsor. |
Judy humored her little brother by willingly posing for a few shots. A set of stairs, a redwood tree and a recycle dumpster added to the ambiance of the moments. |
Judy and I arrive at the 6th Street Playhouse. |
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After sitting through the play, Crazy For You, Judy and I were crazy ready to leave. |
For some reason, Judy liked these final three photos better than all the other ones we took during our weekend together. |