Christmas 2013 has come and gone. Four happy kids were bombarded with gifts and spent the whole day playing with new toys, assembling new puzzles and reading new books.
The rest of us spent the day eating anything but healthy.
It was a very good day.
Tyler's approach to emptying his Christmas stocking was, well, amusing. |
Naomi and Nana spent much of the morning side by side. |
Naomi's stocking included some Party Poppers which she shot toward the camera. |
Tyler watches Devon open a gift. |
Naomi peeled through about a dozen layers of wrapping paper to reach her ultimate destination: A new Uno game in a can. |
Oregon Beaver fan, Devon, wasted little time putting together his new Beaver puzzle. |
Tyler received his own flashlight and was impressed to see how it made little lights and big lights on the ceiling. |
Silas and Devon both received remote controlled helicopters. |
Devon has had a reputation of saying the same thing year after year: "Oh, boy! Just what I've always wanted! A box!" So Silas got him just what he always wanted. A box. Just a box. The reaction was hilarious! Silas got him another gift as well, but his prank was well thought out and a bit prophetic. Devon actually did give the same speech this year as he was opening his empty box. |
Tyler, not to be outdone by his older brothers, also got a helicopter. |
Tyler checks out Silas' gift from Naomi: A football that glows in the dark. |
Naomi waits her turn then opens her next gift: A Hello Kitty makeup vanity with a lighted mirror. |
Tyler shows one of his gifts to Aunt Ashley. |
We ended the day skyping with the Moffits. |
Fun day!