Our church scheduled an outdoor Easter celebration at Lithia Park this year. It is an annual event. It's the third Easter that Debra and I have observed since first attending Ashland Christian Fellowship a little over two years ago.
This past week we have been checking the weather forecast and were expecting possible showers and snow, thunder storms, and temperatures in the 30's.
We thought about staying home.
That thought, however, didn't last long. Instead, we bundled up in warm clothing, drove to Lithia Park, and attended a cold but not-too-cold celebration of some historical figure who, according to reliable historical data, actually rose from the dead three days after he was buried.
Armed with heavy coats, knit cap, scarf and gloves, Debra and I arrived about 40 minutes before the service began. We arrived early because parking was a challenge last year. Not many had arrived when we first got there, but we soon discovered that a bunch of people besides ourselves refused to be deterred by the weather this year. |
The multitudes begin to come. |
Jane and Fae, as well as Rich and John, all from our home Bible study group, visit before the service begins. |
Wayne and Fae visit with Steve before taking their seats. |
Dennis chats with friends while waiting for the Easter celebration to get started. |
The chairs begin to find occupants. |
Amy and Scott, soon to be married, as well as Fae and Wayne, married for over 62 years, sit and smile at my camera. |
Marji and Mark sit together before Mark speaks to the crowd. |
Dorothy and Dennis, also from our home Bible study group, also sit and smile at my camera. |
Mark preaches from Luke 24. |
Sarah and Jeff look on. |
Among the sea of people who attended, some responded to the invitation of salvation offered from the only One who ever rose from the dead, never to die again. |
Some good looking people attended the celebration, but some were clearly better looking than others. |
I love how you put the picture of the almost married couple next to the couple that's been married for many decades. :)