Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Debra, Ashley and I drove to Woodburn today to spend Christmas with the Weathersbys.  Upon arrival, the energy level was high, especially among the four youngest in the group.
We spent the evening visiting, eating, and playing games.  Each of the four kids also got to open one gift before the evening ended.
Nine of us gathered in front of the tree for a family photo.

Tyler was particularly interested in pretty boxes under the tree.

All four kids were a bit amped up.

Someone noticed that Tyler was "saturated", so Bethany fixed the saturation situation.

Devon prepares to open a gift.

Devon opens his gift:  A Beaver sweatshirt.

Tyler opens his gift: A new pair of pajamas.

Naomi models her new pink sweatshirt.

Silas opens his gift:  A Duck sweatshirt.

Tyler tries on his new pajamas.

Tyler during one of his many Skittle feeds throughout the evening.

Four siblings finishing the day in their new attire.

1 comment:

  1. Understatement of the day? "The energy level was high." :)
