Friday, June 20, 2014


Every June comes with an annual trip to the Weathersby's home to celebrate their three June birthdays.  Bethany was born first.  Silas was born a few years later.  Then Devon arrived on his mother's birthday ten years ago.
Debra and I drove from the House on Oak Valley this morning and arrived in Woodburn in time for dinner. We didn't get to see Tim this evening because he was busy officiating a basketball game.  But tomorrow we'll head to a local park with the whole family and some of their invited guests and we'll have a birthday party.

Naomi and Debra are in full focus mode during an intense game of "Go Fish".

The Last Supperer.

Silas demonstrates his trampoline talent.

Tyler joins his big brother on the trampoline.

Papa and Nana pose with their four Weathersby grandchildren.  One of them was particularly inconsistent in posing.


The grandparents.

Father and daughter.

Double digit birthday boy.

Number One.

Nana/Tyler snuggle time.

Nana/Naomi snuggle time.

1 comment:

  1. You got some fun shots! I like the caption for Devon at the table. :)
