Sunday, March 27, 2016


This morning Debra and I attended our fourth consecutive Easter service at Lithia Park.  Last year it was cold but dry.  Two years ago it was warm and sunny.  The year before that the service was cancelled due to heavy rain.

This morning we arrived to some clouds and to some patches of blue with a forecast of rain by noon. Early in the service we were visited by that predicted precipitation.  By the time we left the park it was pretty wet.  But not too wet to spoil the day.

It was a good service.

Leaving the house.

Waiting for the crowd.

The sound booth.

Early arrivers.

The crowd begins to gather.

Pulpit-eye view.


Pink purse.

Bagpipe performance of "Amazing Grace".

Infant-eye view.

Light rain falls.

Umbrella-eye view.

Song sheet baptism by sprinkling.

Decision making.

The service ends.

Gathering at the creek for baptisms.

Baptism #1.

Baptism #2.

Debra watches from under the umbrella.

Leaving the parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. Mark's teaching was right on the point!
    Thru sprinklings and rain, let God be Glorified!!

    Thank u, for sharing the photos!
